Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sexual Healing: Internal Pelvic Release

Sexual Healing with Internal Pelvic Release

In Sexual Healing sessions, it is sometimes advisable that the Internal Pelvic Release procedure would be beneficial to the client’s progress in releasing stored and blocked energies. Internal Pelvic Release provides an opportunity to release and open “energy knots” (emotional-physical contractions) often stored in the pelvis, vagina and anus area. After thorough discussion and consideration of the Internal Pelvic Release procedure, informed consent is reached, allowing the session to proceed.
Sasha & Janet Lessin

Internal Pelvic Release procedure is one where the “yoni” (vagina) receives gentle probing, looking for places in the vaginal walls that are unresponsive, “numb,” or have some discomfort to touch. These locations inside the body often contain strong emotion associated with past wounding or trauma. The method used is reflective of Myofascial Release or Visceral Manipulation “light touch” alternative healing therapies.

Reasons for seeking Sexual Healing with Internal Pelvic Release

Due to rampant misogyny present in many cultures around the world, many if not most, women have experienced physical abuse, sexual trauma, rape, and/or molestation—as well as frequent episodes of mental and emotional abuse. More common are subtle forms of abuse that make women feel pressured to submit or accommodate the sexual gratification of their husband or lover when they don’t desire sex or aren’t fully open to sexual engagement. All of these circumstances produce contractions and restrictions of a woman’s energy and can create emotional-physical “knots” that reside in physical locations of the body.

The overwhelming, “bad experience” is stored in body-memory tissue located usually in the vagina, pelvis and/or anus areas of the body. These knots have the affect of clamping down a woman’s full enjoyment of sexual engagement and can create unresponsive or numb areas of the body. These energy-knots often affect sexual desire as well. Women who experience this condition may compensate or ignore their feelings of disconnect, numbness, pain or anger and “just go-along” with their husband or lover’s request for sex—further compounding their condition. This certainly takes a toll on a relationship—slowly eroding the intimacy and freedom of sexual expression she feels.

Internal Pelvic Release (a.k.a. “Yoni Healing”) is an important asset in sexual healing for women. To experience the full effect of flowing sexual energy it is essential that the energetic pathways of the body be prepared, clear and open. When this is the case, women feel empowered and free in their sexual expression and embodiment of Shakti (Divine Feminine) energy. They feel “lighter,” more enlivened, and experience expanded sensual sensitivity and orgasmic response to their lover’s attention. * additional article: Sacred Intimacy & Sexual Healing

IPR Procedure

  • The following description is for information purposes only and is not intended to completely equip anyone to perform this procedure. Anyone interested in performing the Internal Pelvic Release procedure should not attempt it without previously receiving personal instruction and guidance by an experienced teacher-practitioner.
  • No part of the Internal Pelvic Release procedure is meant to treat or cure disease—or replace regular medical practice or prescribed treatment by a physician.
  • Before beginning an IPR session it is important to have first had a thorough discussion about the procedure that allows the recipient to fully consider her options and authentically settle on, and approve, receiving the IPR procedure.
To create a holistic healing opportunity there first needs to be a sense of “space” (detachment or “neutrality”) around the issues causing contraction that are embedded like a memory in the body. Before beginning the IPR procedure, gently discuss past abuse, trauma, and emotional wounding with an intention of creating deeper understanding and achieving a measure of detachment. Encourage a perspective that holds the intention of releasing the contracted energy and emotion while opening to healing and restoring wholeness. With this accomplished, the physical aspect of the procedure has greater impact and is welcomed by the body.

To prepare the body, a full-body sensual massage is given. It is essential to deeply relax the body so its unconscious “armoring” (emotional-physical clenching/contracting) is lowered and energy is flowing more easily. Tantric energy skills are employed to open the energy pathways of the body in preparation for the energy flow that follows. Only when the body is readied in this manner will the Internal Pelvic Release procedure be affective.

Internal Pelvic Release

During the conversation discussing the IPR procedure, an important subject to cover is STD/STI (sexually transmitted disease or infection) exposures. Resulting from this discussion, and/or client preference, the healing facilitator may find it necessary to wear medical gloves to protect against STD/STI transmission. Medical gloves, while providing protection, also diminish detection sensitivity—so after frank and honest discussion, if the health history of the client (and healing facilitator) is clear, both parties might reasonably conclude that gloves are not necessary for the IPR procedure.

After sensually massaging the body, it is very important for the healing facilitator to ask permission before engaging the yoni. The woman receiving this procedure must feel completely at-choice, with nothing being “taken” from her nor having to submit to something she is not desiring or ready for. Ask permission and receive her verbal “yes” and then wait for her yoni to also “say yes” by its feel—open, receptive, welcoming.

The exterior of the yoni receives a sensual massage that is intended to relax the yoni and open her to receiving deeper contact and vaginal penetration. Signs the yoni is ready include: feels warm to hot, engorged tissue/lips, erect clitoris, abundance of fluids present. If the yoni is not responding, don’t force, push, or try to make something happen. Likely, there are emotions, judgments, or memories preventing her from relaxing or being a complete “yes.” Go slow and, through inquiry and counseling, be sensitive to making sure the emotional body is in alignment with the physical body and the woman’s intention to release, open, and heal.

When the yoni is prepared and ready to be entered and the healing facilitator receives consent to enter the yoni, do so with one finger (lubricated) and slowly, softly, gently probe the vaginal walls for areas of tightness, tenderness, soreness, or pain. When such areas are encountered, a gentle but firm pressure is applied (without “rubbing” or creating friction) merely meeting the contracted spot with firm-but-gentle pressure that equals the firmness of the contraction without trying to force it to release.

An adept healing facilitator will be able to energetically sense the contracted or “knotted” locations and bring his focus of energy while placing subtle pressure to that spot. The woman receiving is invited to focus her awareness on this location and “breath-into” it with the intention of allowing release, opening, healing to occur.

The physical process is reflective of Myofascial Release or Visceral Manipulation “light touch” therapies. The practitioner will hold gentle, consistent pressure until there is a release in the tissue. As the the vaginal wall tissue releases, there is a definite feeling of softening and opening that occurs—including an opening of energetic flow (often producing spontaneous undulations or spasms of pleasure). The release can often be accompanied by vocalization of strong emotion, sobbing tears, and/or physical reactions of shaking and sweating.

After one area is addressed, thoroughly “canvass” the rest of the yoni wall and address additional locations where energy knots occur—providing a “clearing” of the yoni. It is often necessary to receive more than one session for complete clearing to occur.

A Different Touch

The Internal Pelvic Release procedure is not designed to be sexual or provoke orgasm, although orgasms can occur during the procedure. In addition, the release associated with IPR is different from invoking female ejaculation. IPR and the sensual massage included with it is a touch that employs therapeutically applied erotic energy, transferring the intention of wholeness, complete acceptance, and well being.

The IPR procedure will contact tender, sensitive, and sometimes painful areas of tight, clenched tissue or muscle in the stomach, yoni and anus area. This touch is gentle—meeting the “tightness” with equal presence without resistance. The touch of IPR is meant to feel loving, supportive, and healing and promotes relaxation and welcoming of touch to this area —releasing any armoring or stiffness or numbness felt in the pelvis or genitals.

Benefits of Internal Pelvic Release

Enjoying sexual experience requires a woman’s sexual energy to flow freely without inhibition or contraction. The energy knots addressed by the IPR procedure are responsible for decreased sexual enjoyment and reduced ability to be present and feel sexual experience fully. By freeing these areas of the body from contraction it allows for the free-flow of sexual energy through the three lower “Chakras” (energy centers) in the body.

The Chakras are esoteric non-physical energy centers associated with areas of the body. These energy centers function as processors, transformers and distributors of energy to physically correlated organs, glands, and nerves in the body.

MuladharaThe Root Chakra (Sanskrit: Muladhara, located at the end of the tail-bone, represented by the perineum) is connected to one’s relationship with community, family, survival, feeling grounded and connected to Mother Earth Gaia. It is through this source all our material-physical manifestations come from; procreation/creation. The Root Chakra is said to be the dwelling place of dormant sexual energy.

SwadhisthanaThe Sacral Chakra (Sanskrit: Swadhisthana) is associated with the pelvis and genitals of the body and is connected to sexual expression and embodying “Shakti” (divine feminine energy) resulting in a sensuality of being. The Sacral Chakra is also associated with Eros, vital force, inspiration, creative spark, strong emotion, vitality, and vibrancy of life.

ManipuraThe Solar Chakra (Sanskrit: Manipura) is connected to personal power and the ability to manifest one’s dreams or intentions. The Solar Chakra is located about three fingers below the sternum’s end on the rib cage and is associated with the stomach. If you experience unusual tightness in the stomach area, cramping, bloating, or elimination issues, you might have Solar Chakra issues activated. Clearing this Chakra empowers one’s life with confidence, clear intention and ability to manifest one’s goals and desires.

By clearing these three Chakras from blockages, contractions and restrictions life becomes filled with vibrant energy, sensuality, confidence, and tremendous expanded erotic and orgasmic ability.


Completing the procedure involves holding space and staying present without trying to fix anything or stop any emotion from being expressed or released. The healing facilitator can offer support with his presence, eye-contact, holding hands, embracing the receiver as desired -or not- by her. Gentle, long strokes to the body are often welcomed. One hand present at the yoni (exterior) in support of releasing and integrating the energy can feel supportive and soothing. The other hand may gently stroke the body aura to bring the energy up and out through the body—onto whatever energetic disbursement Spirit’s wisdom has in store for it. Sometimes the receiver can become cold at this time, so it is good to have a blanket or sheet available. Compression squeezes through the covering are often welcomed—feeling deeply cared for and nurtured and warm.